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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Apple has been longed for iPad mini - 07/08/2012 09:18

the devil’s almost always in the details, isn’t it? Last Friday, Apple iOS chief Scott Forstall  testified that in January 2011 Eddy Cue, the company’s Internet software and services senior vice president, in an email to top brass, urged development of a 7-inch iPad, including in his note some kind words for [url=]google android 7 tablet [/url]  and Samsung’s newly-introduced Galaxy. “I believe there will be a 7” market and we should do one,” he wrote. “I found email, books, Facebook and video very compelling on a 7″. Web browsing is still the weakest point but still usable.” While the 7-inch tablet format still seems a little like it’s neither here nor there–not a smartphone, not a tablet, not even a phablet–but content-rich nonetheless, some Apple watchers long wedded to the larger screen now agree with Cue’s inference that to compete the vendor must deliver a 7-inch tablet. Apple’s Thought Process Indeed, Cue’s email, a copy of which was posted here, runs thick with irony, considering the following, listed in chronological order: The late Steve Jobs vehemently derided the smaller size tablet Apple is said to have a 7-inch iPad in development If Samsung can demonstrate in court that Apple itself gained inspiration for its rumored 7-inch tablet from an existing Samsung device, it may blunt some of Apple’s copying claims. This fascinating, and, in hindsight, not all that unpredictable tidbit poked out in court amid the tech titans noting how each nurtures their brands with billions in advertising, Apple claiming some $1.1 billion spent since the iPhone’s introduction five years ago and Samsung saying it spends $1 billion a year in mobile device marketing. Who knows how many Apple marketing dollars will go to position a 7-inch iPad, especially considering Apple will not have pioneered, but instead followed, the format? For the channel, talk of an iPad mini is but a sideshow now but perhaps not for long. As Apple’s recent $356 million purchase of mobile security vendor AuthenTec showed, the vendor appears to be shoring up to move iPads and iPhones further into the enterprise, a strategy that could benefit mobile integrators extending solutions and services higher up the food chain, if, and that’s a big if, they can get their hands on the iPad and its possible smaller cousin.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: What I'm Wearing: the new surplice neckline - 08/08/2012 07:20

It was the perfect dress for that halcyon in-between time, functional, flattering and sexy enough to wear on a date, but not so overtly that you couldn't wear it to work as well. It didn't crease much. But more importantly, you wouldn't scare your (male) boss in this dress. You were still one of the girls. Your wrap dress even afforded him a (discreet) cop of your legs and, even more discreetly, your breasts. All in the best possible taste, obviously. This was a Promotion Dress, a You Could Marry Me If You Play Your Cards Right Dress. Upon which turn of events it could then become a Mummy At Sports Day Dress. It did everything that women needed it to do. The investment dresser: three best beaded cardigans And what other options did women have back then? The neat little suits with their hip-hugging pencil skirts and boxy jackets, so beloved of Joan in Mad Men, had been swept aside by fashion. Post-Woodstock, post-the barricades of 1968 and pre power-suits, woman had… nothing to wear to the office. It's a testament to the brilliance of the wrap dress that it's still relevant. Power suits turned into parodies, a mirage of emancipation - who wanted to run the risk of knocking their eye out with their own shoulder pads? Trouser suits are fabulous - on the catwalks, but they're not for every shape. As for the curve-hugger exemplified by Roland Mouret's Galaxy dress - it can be a bit full-on. And it's been done to death. We're quite weary of the wrap dress, too. You'll have noticed Boden's gone cold turkey on them, and that's instructive. Because Boden is a brand that doesn't just sell to working women, be they mothers, single or otherwise. It sells to women who don't work, women who work part-time, women who work flat out but want a jolly, jauntily patterned dress that stretches over fluctuating tummies and hips; and they want to wear it at weekends, on dates with their husbands or tea with the in-laws. And that's how the wrap dress became ubiquitous and why it now looks a tad dated and tired, rather than modern, fresh and liberated. We owe it some downtime, so that it can reinvent itself and come and bail us out several years from now. That invites one small question. What the hell are we going to wear until then? I think this dress by Tucker is a contender. Dreamt up by New York stylist Gaby Basora, Tucker began life a few seasons back as a line of patterned peasant blouses. Mono-item labels have a lot going for them - they can really perfect their product. And that's what Tucker did. Airy, silky (or chiffony), Tucker's shirts are invariably collarless, with full sleeves and floaty cuts. If you find a print you like they're great: the perfect dressy accompaniment to jeans and skinny trousers. And now Basora has applied the same principle to dresses. A surplice neckline has many of the same attributes of the wrap: the effortlessness, the pretty-but-efficient sleekness, and it delivers the same feminine message, neither over nor understated. It's a bit more boho in feeling than the wrap, but that's not a bad thing, especially given all the footwear around now to help you toughen or sleek it up, if that's your preference - from shiny patent courts and ankle boots to next autumn's flat riding boots.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: The hybrid of smartphones and tablets - 09/08/2012 08:49

Mobile devices with a 5 inch sized display presents a strange scenario. This, since we are not sure if we should perceive it as a smartphone with some added functionality of a tablet or the other way round, that is a google android 7 tablet that can also be a smartphone. However, a recently coined term — ‘Phablet’ comes to our rescue which correctly describes a device that can be both a smartphone owing to its voice calling facility as well as a tablet what with its relatively bigger display. It is a bit to big to be branded a smartphone alone (though smartphones are fast approaching that with the Samsung Galaxy S III having a 4.8 inch display) but still smaller to be considered a proper tablet. As if the unwritten law to be followed here is that a smartphone can’t be bigger than 5 inches while the least size a tablet can be is 7 inches. So how does one describe a device such as the Galaxy Note or the LG Optimus VU. Its Phablet of course and the segment is still in its nascent stages, with it being the Galaxy Note alone that has the numbers to be deemed successful here. The Streak 5 from Dell was the one that had started the trend though found it hard to hold on to it long enough. Dell was forced to withdraw the device eventually, leaving it to the Samsung Galaxy Note over a year later to give rise to the term Phablet. Is the segment here to stay? It seems yes going by the way Samsung is pushing things here. The first gen Galaxy Note has found enough buyers to make it worth the effort to develop a sequel to it. As things stand right now, the Galaxy Note 2 is slated for an Aug 29 release. The Galaxy Note has sold more than 5 million units in the first 5 months of its its launch and the numbers alone has prompted others to join the party. The secret to Galaxy Note’s success can be in its specs, which speak of a 1.4 Ghz dual-core Exynos processor, 1 GB of RAM, 32 GB of internal storage with a 5.3 inch 800 × 1280 pixel Super AMOLED display on top of it all. Further, the Galaxy Note couldn’t have been what it is sans its stylus that greatly enhances its functionality and scope. Who the other players are? LG was the second company to have on offer an alternative to the Galaxy Note in the form of the Optimus Vu. However the device hasn’t been as successful as the Galaxy Note so that the segment is still dominated by the former. This does not come as a surprise as LG has been floundering in the smartphone segment and the same applies to its tablet business as well. Consumer confidence on LG smartphones ins’t that great right now which showed in the way the Optimus Vu fared in the market. However, given the potential the segment holds, HTC has announced they will have a competitor to the Galaxy Note by October. Sure there will be many more to join the list once the existing crop begin to rake in the numbers. Why should you go for a Phablet? Well, the benefits are many. With a phablet, you won’t have to carry two separate devices, a smartphone and a tablet with you. A phablet alone can be enough while also adding to portability and is small enough to be carried in your pockets. With almost as much memory as a 7 inch tablet, you can have all of your contents at your disposal at your disposal. So listening to music or watching videos, a phablet can be enough for the purpose. However, with the latter, it could depend on personal tastes as many prefer watching their videos on a bigger display and a 7 or even a 10 inch display can be perfect for them.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: John Abraham to open his own fitness center - 11/08/2012 07:48

He has a reputation of being a fitness fiend and his knowledge of the exercise fitness equipment  . Now, John Abraham is set to take this image a step forward with JA Fitness, his maiden gym chain. He will set up his first-ever fitness centre at the Donald Trump-branded luxury home — Trump Towers, in Pune. “Yes, we are working out the final details (of the deal), but things look very positive. Everyone knows that I am all for fitness, so I hope to spread the message of good health through my gyms,” says John, who will be personally looking into the minute details of the fitness centres. “Since I am closely involved with the project, I will handpick the trainers, guide them and choose the equipment for the gyms,” says the actor. John will take a final call on the fitness regimen that will be available to the residents of the Trump Towers. He has plans to put JA Fitness on the global map. “We won’t be limiting JA Fitness only to Trump Towers. In the future, I plan to take it across India and overseas as well. For me, it’s not just a gym but also a philosophy. It’s something that’s right up my alley,” says the Force (2011) actor, who will be “more than happy” to serve as a role model to fitness-conscious youngsters. Ask John, who is also busy with multiple production ventures currently, how he will manage this new responsibility and he says, “I might be caught up with my films (acting as well as production), but I can always take time out for things that I love.” Decoding Trump Towers Donald Trump is an American businessman, television personality and author. The famous Trump-branded luxury homes are making their debut in India in Pune. The Trump group is providing technical support, architectural expertise and guidelines on the safety features and materials being used in the buildings. Apparently, Donald Trump Jr and his sister Ivanka are closely involved in the project. Stars’ fitness secrets Sanjay Dutt Dutt kicked off the trend of ripping muscles. He was apparently instrumental in initiating Salman Khan into a fitness regimen. Of late, he has been criticised for putting on extra kilos on, but now he’s on a three-month training program to get fit. Akshay Kumar His naturally lean look doesn’t come from weight-training. Apparently, he has no trainer and doesn’t lift weights. He feels fitness needs to be utilitarian, so it’s important to eat right and exercise. Apparently, he is into martial arts, yoga and Parkour. Hrithik Roshan For his debut film, Kaho Naa…Pyaar Hai, Hrithik first packed on the muscles. Recently, he had to jump into a strict fitness regimen to gain 10 kg and ripping muscles for Agneepath. He worked hard for months with his trainer Satyajit Chaurasia.